YPI Members
Your YPI leader at your location will inform you about signing up and joining. Follow the below steps to join so your YPI leader can inform you about upcoming sessions and activities throughout the year. |
If you want YPI at your school, please ask your teacher or leadership to complete the YPI Request Application.
"This program really changed me a lot and it gave me more courage to be who I wanted to become and it gave me strength to learn more and try harder at school." -YPI Student/Fellow
Step 1
Please fill the one minute survey below so your YPI leader has your contact information regarding planned sessions and activities. Click here to complete the introduction survey |
Step 2
You will learn about medical school admission process, life of a doctor, medical cases, opportunities to volunteer in clinics & health fairs and many more activities. View all the amazing activities for your program under sessions. |
Step 3
Graduate & Connect You will receive the graduation custom pin after completing program and final survey. You will be part of the growing YPI family and have access to future opportunities, mentorship and our expanding medical network. Click here to complete Final survey. If you attend more than 80% of the sessions and complete the final survey then you will be eligible for: - Access to our medical partners for clinical experiences - Special selection for becoming Y4P fellow: www.you4prevent.com - Eligibility to apply for the YPI fellow scholarship (launch in 2020) - Chance to win a stethoscope - Letter of recommendation - Early access to sign up for Doctor for a Day conference - Be part of growing network of YPI fellows, medical students and doctors |